As a responsible mining company, Eramet Grande Côte works to the highest international standards. We have translated these into commitments in the areas of human rights, ethics, health and safety, financial transparency, the environment and regional economic development.
Our Act For Positive Mining commitment to generate a positive impact for our stakeholders (10 concrete objectives) is based on the continuous improvement of our relationships and practices. The participation process in place also enables us to limit our negative impacts.
We are committed to doing our utmost to meet the requirements of responsible mining standards through our plans, policies and principles, and the Initiative for Responsible Mining Assurance (IRMA), the most demanding standard.
If you are looking for a document that is not listed below, please do not hesitate to request it using this form.
Eramet has placed Human Rights at the top of its values and has a Safety and Human Rights Procedure applicable to all its sites.
This procedure is directly inspired by the Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights (VPSHR), a multi-stakeholder initiative drawn up in 2000 by competent local authorities, international NGOs and companies in the energy sector.
It promotes respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms on all our sites and in all our operations, with the help of public and private security forces, thereby helping to better protect Group employees and local communities.
The same applies to the procedure on the use of force, applicable to all Group entities. It defines the graduated operational framework for the use of defensive means by agents and operators working to prevent safety risks that could impact our activities.
In March 2021, the Community Consultation and Information Plan summarizes the 22 community meetings held in 11 sites around Diogo to update Eramet Grande Côte’s strategic documents. It essentially reflects the population’s point of view or perception with regard to the actions undertaken or to be envisaged by Grande Côte.
The document describes all the company’s activities, both mining and industrial, but also takes into account the environment and relations with communities, particularly those affected.
The overall objective of the public consultation and disclosure program of the Community Consultation and Information Plan is to obtain the effective, inclusive and equitable participation of the Project’s stakeholders, to ensure the long-term viability of Grande Côte and to enhance potential positive impacts.
Communication between the company and affected communities and other Project stakeholders is at the heart of this plan. This includes regular updates on the progress of Eramet Grande Côte’s activities, safety, employment opportunities, etc.
At the same time, the company is putting in place a robust mechanism for recording and resolving complaints and grievances related to the Project.
As part of the mining concession granted by the Senegalese government to Eramet Grande Côte, socio-economic surveys were carried out in 2020 in 87 villages and hamlets likely to be physically and/or economically displaced. The surveys were carried out with specific community groups: young people, women, leaders of community associations, local authorities, … to ensure that everyone had the opportunity to express their views. These qualitative focus groups provided an opportunity to exchange and share detailed information about their activities and livelihoods. These consultations enabled us to gather the community’s perception of the proposed mine crossing of Lompoul, as well as their expectations, so that we could take them into account to limit any negative impacts.
This was followed by the delivery of a study by an international firm of a resettlement and livelihood restoration plan for the Eramet Grande Côte mine operating phase between 2021 and 2028, divided into three phases: pre-Lompoul phase (2021-2022), Lompoul Sur Mer phase (2023) and post-Lompoul Sur Mer phase (2024 to 2028).
Potentially affected people and economic entities, including tourism activities in Lompoul, have been identified for compensation by the Resettlement Commission, chaired by the regional prefect and representatives of those affected.
The resettlement and livelihood restoration plan for people affected by the Eramet Grande Côte project is based on studies carried out in 2007 and 2011 in the Thiès region.
A Resettlement Commission, chaired by the regional prefect and representatives of the people affected, was set up ahead of the project to manage resettlement and compensation. The communities were closely involved in the process of defining the terms and conditions of the resettlement (site selection, configuration of the new village, its housing and common infrastructures, etc.). All resettlement work was accompanied by the upgrading of housing and infrastructure (running water, electricity, concrete structures, etc.). As a result, communities now have houses with at least three rooms and access to water and solar lighting. Each locality also has a school, a mosque, a water tower and a household waste management system, for which the communities are trained. In addition to financial compensation (at the World Bank rate, five times higher than the national rate), replacement farmland has been made available to the inhabitants. This land is usually identified by the latter, before being financed by the company and even equipped (solar panels to replace oil-powered pumps for drawing water from wells, saving 120,000 FCFA a week in fuel). A livestock grazing area has been laid out around the villages. Particular attention was paid by the company to restoring the livelihoods of the people affected to at least pre-resettlement levels. Once the program is fully completed, management of the resettlement villages is transferred to the public authority. Between 2017 and 2019, nearly 920 people from two villages were resettled.
As part of its corporate responsibility, Eramet Grande Côte has defined a Social Development Plan (2021) aligned with Senegal’s health policies. Ongoing programs include contributions to the construction of health posts and huts (Foth, Diogo sur mer, etc.). In conjunction with the authorities, the company also organizes community awareness campaigns on malaria and hygiene (water, sanitation, etc.). At the end of February 2025, the company organized a day of medical consultations in Lompoul sur mer, attended by 6 general practitioners and specialists. Around 250 people attended the consultations.
Prior to the launch of its activities, the company commissioned an environmental and social impact study that included an archaeological component for the entire project area.
This study enabled the company to avoid causing any negative impacts and to support the preservation of the cultural heritage of the regions crossed. Archaeological surveys revealed a total of 73 sites and 23 isolated finds. The material collected ranged from stone tools to pottery, slag, beads, tobacco pipes, glass bottle fragments and imported ceramics…
An accidental discovery procedure has been put in place in the event that other sites or isolated finds are found during mining operations, so that they can be preserved.
This plan and procedure have been drawn up and communicated with Senegal’s heritage authorities.
Aware of the potential impact of mining and metallurgical activities on the natural environment, Eramet considers that it has a responsibility to take all necessary steps to protect the environment and people’s health.
The Group places the Corporate Responsibility approach at the heart of its development strategy, in line with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Eramet’s environmental policy has 3 objectives:
- The implementation of effective environmental management systems in all subsidiaries,
- The early consideration of the environmental dimension in the design and development of industrial and mining projects,
- Supplying the metals needed to achieve the energy transition, and developing activities that contribute to the growth of a more resource-efficient and circular economy.
In 2014, Eramet Grande Côte commissioned an international firm to carry out an environmental audit of its activities, focusing in particular on “Installations Classées pour la Protection de l’Environnement” such as the resettlement plan, rehabilitation plan and hazard study. At the same time, the Grande Côte Environmental and Social Management Plan dating from 2005 was updated.
The various stakeholders involved in monitoring the implementation of the Environmental and Social Management Plan were asked to give their opinions during interviews and group discussions.
The final study led to proposals for regulatory compliance actions, with verification of the implementation of Environmental and Social Management Plan measures during the operating phase and on closure of the company.
Mitigation, monitoring and environmental follow-up actions were integrated, complemented by capacity-building actions for stakeholders in the impacted regions.
Through its environmental policy, Eramet Grande Côte is committed to gradually rehabilitating dunes mined for their mineralized sands. To this end, a rehabilitation plan was drawn up and validated by the Ministry of the Environment in 2015. It is regularly updated.
Eramet Grande Côte has initiated its roadmap for the restitution of mine plots by 2022-2026. Progressive rehabilitation offers the opportunity for a gradual transfer of rehabilitated sites instead of waiting for the mine to close. Today, more than 2,300 hectares have been rehabilitated, and it takes around 7 to 8 years to complete the rehabilitation cycle after dredging the mineralized sands.
In 2025, it is planned to return to the authorities plots totalling almost 950 hectares mined and rehabilitated between 2015 and 2018, following the 85 hectares returned in 2022. These plots have already been biophysically characterized, with very encouraging results.
Eramet Grande Côte is the first mine to have returned reclaimed mining plots to Senegal.
Eramet Grande Côte is committed to controlling and optimizing water consumption in its operations in order to preserve a quality water resource accessible to all, particularly in a context of climate change.
This significant issue for our internal and external stakeholders has prompted Grande Côte to commit to minimizing the impact of its activities on water resources and aquatic environments by working on several fronts:
- Continuous improvement of water monitoring for our activities (withdrawals, recycling, uses, discharges) in order to achieve a reduced water footprint,
- Optimization of process water consumption and increased recycling,
- Internal and external awareness-raising, training and communication.
An impact assessment is an analysis carried out prior to the implementation of mining or industrial projects likely to have significant effects on the environment. It aims to identify, assess and propose measures to mitigate the negative impacts of a project. The ESIA ensures that the project complies with environmental laws and regulations.
To this end, consultation with potentially affected local communities (particularly rights holders) is essential, to enable them to express their expectations and the authorities to make an informed decision.
Some thirty meetings were held with all project stakeholders: administrative authorities (Governors, Prefects, Sub-Prefects), heads of national, regional and departmental technical services, local elected officials (mayors and municipal councillors); and the populations of villages and hamlets in the project area. A total of 313 people were consulted in the two regions concerned by the project.
Eramet Grande Côte’s Production Capacity Expansion Project focuses on increasing the quantity of heavy mineral sand processed and increasing the plant’s mineralized sand concentration capacity. The project will make it possible to exploit the natural resource of mineralized sands on the sides of the mine passage, without going beyond the limits of the initial concession granted by the Senegalese government.
It comprises two parts: recovery of the mineralized sands on either side of the mobile mine by more conventional means: trucks, shovels. The project also involves increasing the number of spirals on the floating concentration plant, in view of the greater tonnage of sands to be processed.
The 2022 Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) has two major objectives: to assess the consequences of the project on the biophysical and human environment, and to propose measures to be implemented to avoid, mitigate or compensate for impacts deemed negative, in accordance with the ESIA procedure in Senegal, which is governed by the Environmental Code and related texts.
The Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP), which stems from the environmental assessment, defines the measures to be implemented to mitigate negative impacts, as well as the procedures for their implementation, follow-up and monitoring. The ESMP also determines the institutional arrangements to be taken into account during project implementation, including those relating to communication and capacity building.
Eramet Grande Côte’s ambition is to become a world-class mining company, integrating sustainable development issues and at the forefront of operational excellence. With this in mind, Grande Côte has embarked on a process of continuous improvement of its energy performance and environmental responsibility for all its mining, industrial, rail and port activities.
This approach complies with the requirements and recommendations of the ISO 50001 standard, for which Grande Côte is certified in terms of energy and greenhouse gas emissions management.
Eramet Grande Côte aims to reduce its energy and climate footprint by -26% through the implementation of a photovoltaic solar power plant.
The Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) was carried out in consultation with all stakeholders concerned by the project at national, regional, departmental and local level.
A total of 227 people were consulted, 22% of them women. The various meetings held as part of the public consultations revealed that the project enjoys a very high level of social acceptability. Nevertheless, a number of concerns were raised and recommendations made (impact management measures, support measures, local employment, etc.), which have been taken into account in this report and the resulting action plans.
The Eramet Group believes that business should be a vehicle for respecting and promoting the protection of human rights.
This is why the Group is committed to respecting and promoting the fundamental principles of Human Rights, as defined in particular by the International Bill of Human Rights and the Fundamental Conventions of the International Labour Organization, by following the recommendations of the Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.
Eramet’s Human Rights Policy formalizes this commitment and reaffirms its fundamental place in the Group’s managerial and operational approach and in its relations with stakeholders.
It complements the Group’s other policies and applies to all employees, business partners and local communities.
Over the years, Eramet Grande Côte has established a bond of trust and mutual respect with its internal and external stakeholders. These relationships have been built in precise accordance with the company’s values.
On a day-to-day basis, these obligations apply to all Eramet Grande Côte employees and structure their relations with all their partners.
Anyone who believes that a value or principle promoted by Eramet’s Ethics and Compliance Charter is being violated, or that unethical practices are taking place, is invited to report it:
Over the years, Eramet Grande Côte has established a bond of trust and mutual respect with its teams, subcontractors and customers. These relationships have been built on the basis of the Eramet Group’s values and its commitment to human rights and ethics.
Our Ethics and Compliance Charter reflects our commitment to preserving and strengthening business integrity in all our activities, and enables us to better respond to long-term global challenges wherever the Group operates.
At Eramet Grande Cote, an anti-corruption policy and specific procedures (conflicts of interest, gifts, invitations, etc.) are clearly set out and implemented.
On a day-to-day basis, these obligations apply to all Eramet Grande Côte employees, including subcontractors.
All our stakeholders, especially local communities affected by a project, must be able to express their expectations and make complaints. To this end, Eramet Grande Côte has set up a complaints mechanism. Complaints can be received either orally from our field agents, by telephone (76 552 51 05 or 76 552 51 35 or 76 552 51 35) or by post (letterboxes are available in the main villages).
The complaints handling mechanism assesses all grievances: an investigation is then launched, followed by a dialogue to assess what action needs to be taken. Each complaint is closed at the end of the investigation, which is carried out in complete transparency.
Concerns and complaints may arise from real or perceived impacts of the company’s activities.
On average, the Eramet Group buys around 80% of what it spends. Most of its purchases are made directly in the countries where its subsidiaries operate.
Purchasing is a major driver of the Group’s operational and financial performance. They also contribute to our environmental and social impact, and must therefore be responsible, ethical and controlled, in line with the Group’s ambitions.
Eramet’s responsible purchasing policy is not limited to product choices; it also encompasses the way a company interacts with its suppliers, manages its internal processes and contributes to a more sustainable and equitable economy. It applies to those who are prepared to make a long-term commitment to a balanced and mutually beneficial relationship with us, playing an active role in promoting a more responsible global economy.
Eramet has undertaken to publish an annual report on the financial transparency of its activities.
Senegal is also a member of EITI – the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative, the international standard for good governance in oil, gas and mineral resources.
As such, the financial results of the extractive sector in Senegal are published every year, including those of Eramet Grande Côte. These data help inform policy-making and multi-stakeholder dialogue in the extractive sector.
Under the EITI, EGC will be the 5th largest mining contributor to the Senegalese state budget by 2024.
In Eramet’s global annual publication for 2023, the economic impact of Grande Côte in Senegal amounted to 149 billion CFA francs, including salaries, subcontracting, local purchases, taxes, royalties, the mining social plan and economic contributions to communities. Local purchases alone account for 97 billion FCFA.
Eramet Grande Côte has positioned itself as a catalyst for economic development and aims to become a benchmark in its sector.
Safety is a fundamental value of the Eramet Group. Our goal is ZERO workplace accidents.
At our plants and mining sites, our activities require constant vigilance to prevent any accident and avoid endangering the health of our employees or that of outside parties. We are convinced that any accident can be avoided.
Everyone is responsible for their own safety, and that of their colleagues and those around them.
While recognizing that it is impossible to eliminate all health risks, the aim of the Group’s health policy is to control them so as to minimize their frequency and the severity of their consequences.
The Eramet Group is committed to providing detailed, in-depth knowledge of all the health risks associated with its activities, while contributing to the development and dissemination of this knowledge.
Safety is the primary responsibility of every manager in our company.
Eramet Grande Côte was the first mining company in Senegal to obtain ISO 14001 certification for its environmental management system, in 2020. This certification was successfully renewed in 2024. Best practices in this area are integrated into environmental management by Grande Côte’s teams.
Each major environmental issue, such as water or waste management, is also managed jointly with all stakeholders in the Resettlement Action Plan.
Eramet Grande Côte has also obtained ISO 50001 international certification in 2021 for the first time, thanks to the implementation of an energy management policy that meets the highest international standards.