Eramet Grande Côte

Eramet Grande Côte is a Senegalese subsidiary of the Eramet Group that specializes in the recovery of ilmenite, rutile, ilmenite, and zircon. The mine and its two processing plants have been in service since 2014. The project has managed to overcome a series of human, technical, and societal challenges to recover these natural resources, in partnership with the country’s public authorities and local communities.

“By combining economic performance with social responsibility, Eramet Grande Côte is accelerating its development for the benefit of all stakeholders.”

Frédéric Zanklan
General Manager, Eramet Grande Côte

Our commitments

The ERAMET Group pledges to conduct its business, everywhere in the countries where it operates.

Mineral sands production

Sand treatment process

About us

Mineral sands recovery

Our value chain

What we do

About Eramet

Eramet transforms the Earth’s mineral resources to provide sustainable and responsible solutions to the growth of the industry and to the challenges of the energy transition.

Its employees are committed to this through their civic and contributory approach in all the countries where the mining and metallurgical group is present.

Manganese, nickel, mineral sands, lithium, and cobalt: Eramet recovers and develops metals that are essential to the construction of a more sustainable world.

As a privileged partner of its industrial clients, the Group contributes to making robust and resistant infrastructures and constructions, more efficient means of mobility, safer health tools and more efficient telecommunications devices.

Fully committed to the era of metals, Eramet’s ambition is to become a reference for the responsible transformation of the Earth’s mineral resources for living well together.

10 700

Adjusted turnover
(excluding SLN)1

countries of operation

1 Adjusted turnover (excluding SLN), adjusted EBITDA (excluding SLN) and adjusted Free Cash-Flow are presented to provide a better understanding of the underlying operating performance of the Group’s activities. The definitions are presented in Appendix 10 of the 2024 Annual Results Press Release.